Register with us as a New Patient
New Patient Registration
We are currently accepting new patients.
You can also collect a registration form from reception, or after submitting the online form, please come to the surgery to show your Photo ID and Proof of Address.
You are welcome to join the practice, provided you live within the practice boundaries. In order to register patients we request 1 proof of a photo ID, 1 proof of your current address and NHS Number to enable accurate registration and to ensure instantaneous transfer of your Medical Records from your previous practice.
To register a baby you need to bring a birth certificate and the “red book” or equivalent, showing immunisation records and the NHS number.
The NHSE Primary Medical Care (PCM) Policy and Guidance Manual (PGM) and BMA guidance confirms the following:
Anyone, regardless of nationality and residential status may register and consult with a GP without charge. A GP practice’s discretion to refuse a patient is limited. Under the terms of their primary medical services contracts, GP practices cannot refuse an application to join its list of NHS patients on the grounds of race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation, appearance, disability or medical condition. Practices can refuse an application to join a practice list if:
- we have agreed that the practice can close their list to new patients,
- the patient lives outside the practice boundary ; or
- the practice has other reasonable grounds
Kincora Doctors Surgery - welcomes new patients who live within our practice area. Please check with reception to see if your address falls within our catchment area. You are asked to bring proof of address (tenancy agreement, council tax bill, utility bill or bank statement) your NHS number and passport or photo ID for practice to confirm the catchment area.
These documents are not a mandatory requirement and you will not be refused registration if you cannot produce them.
Your registration status with us will depend on whether you are a visitor, staying temporarily in the area or are a permanent resident. As it often takes sometime for records to be forwarded from your former practice all newly registered patients will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and are offered a new patient health check with the nurse.
To register with the surgery you can come between 10am and 6:30pm Monday to Friday. You should bring the documents with you. The process for registration might take a few weeks so please be prepared in advance.